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Best Vegetables To Grow Hydroponically

30 Best Vegetables To Grow Hydroponically

    Want to know which are the best vegetables to grow hydroponically?

    With hydroponically, you can grow almost any vegetable provided the right conditions are created. However, there are some vegetables that are more suitable for hydroponics. 

    This list gives the names of vegetables that adapt to the hydroponic system easily and also they are very easy to grow.

    So let’s look at the list!

    Best Vegetables To Grow Hydroponically

    1. Beans

    If you want an all-season output, opt for beans. It is an evergreen flowering plant that made its place in human and animal diets. Qualities like low oxygen consumption and availability make it an ideal vegetable.

    Being rich in Potassium, Sulphur, and Phosphorus, will add a healthy contribution to your diet. However, you must know the proper breed to choose for each season. I grew bush beans in winter and pole beans in summer.

    Both have similar nutrients and characteristics. Therefore, I insist you do the same. So, go and collect some beans to start the process.

    2. Cabbage

    A healthy cabbage weighs around 500-1000 grams, making it suitable for your hydroponic system. Being leafy green, some mistaken it to be a lettuce. So, it’s better not to commit the same mistake.

    Cabbages are popular in Europe and cover the main part of their cuisine. Its thin taproot won’t make your hydroponic system congested.

     Potassium and Phosphorus are the main ingredients that make this vegetable worthy to be in the list. So, without any haste make these vegetables a part for your cultivation.

    3. Carrots

    Ever had those delicious salads? Well, huge credit goes to the carrots. Being a taproot, it will fit perfectly in your hydroponic container. Carrots can be grown from seeds.

     However, you must select the seeds under proper selection. Never select the wrinkled ones. I selected the large ones for my hydroponic system.

     Also, keep the pH of your nutrient solution at a range of 6-7. Low Nitrogen, moderate phosphate, and high Potassium are some additional requirements. With proper sunlight, these vegetables will grow healthy as ever.

    4. Cauliflower

    Cauliflower is perhaps the healthiest edible flower. With white inflorescence, it looks even healthier. However, cauliflowers can be reproduced by seed and remain as an annual plant.

    Being rich in carbohydrates and proteins, it will serve you as a healthy meal. I insist you grow it under moderate sunlight. My cauliflowers got discolored with a purple hue under excess exposure to sunlight.

    However, it won’t reduce nutritional value. Select a sandy growing medium, as cauliflowers grow well in sandy soils with moisture. For moisture management, keep the time-period low in the timer.

    5. Celery

    Since time immemorial, celeries have been a huge contribution to the human diet. Being a marshland plant, it needs immense moisture to grow. You won’t face space problems, as it grows uniformly by attaining a height between 15-20 cm.

    Celeries are the most versatile plants. It is used as a spice and has immense medicinal properties. Rich in vitamins and minerals, growing it will be worth cultivation.

    However, it is grown differently on different continents. In Europe, celeries are grown in late spring and winter. Used in salads and pickles, it plays a significant role in European cuisine.

    6. Chard

    For centuries, chard has been an important ingredient in our kitchens. Its highly nutritious leaves are rich in sugar and dietary fiber. However, chard is a biennial plant.

    Don’t confuse it with beet, as they share a common color code. If you reside at the Northern Hemisphere, sow the seeds by the end of summer. The young leaves are more vulnerable to foreign invasions and need extra care.

    So, if you are planning to lose weight, chard will be an ideal option. It is also effective in lowering cholesterol levels and increasing hemoglobin. Therefore, I didn’t hesitate to make it a part of my hydroponic cultivating.

    7. Beets

    If you are lacking hemoglobin, I would love to suggest you beetroots. What the general public call as beet, is the taproot portion of the beet plant. Besides, the leaves are edible too and resemble spinach.

    It took me 50-70 days for complete cultivation(i.e. from germination to harvesting). So, under high moisture, you can expect the same for completion. But, never be reckless with the moisture content for an early result.

    Eat it boiled, roasted, or raw, it’s all your choice. I don’t recommend you keeping outdoor because it’s vulnerable at the initial stage. However, it is one of the best vegetables to grow hydroponically.

    8. Broccoli

    Belonging from the cabbage family, it is one of the best vegetables to grow hydroponically. A large proportion of broccoli is edible, including head and stalk. China and India produce almost 75% of its total production.

    Being a rich source of vitamins C and K, it is recommended by many doctors. I insist you grow these vegetables in winter. Cultivating these vegetables in summer won’t be too productive.

    However, you must take the necessary care to ensure quality broccoli. It is highly vulnerable to the larvae of white butterflies. Therefore, use a low concentrated pesticide for your drip system.

    9. Maize

    Being a cereal grain, maize serves to be a staple food at many parts across the globe. Its high fiber content is an excellent whey protein source for many athletes. Besides, many alcoholic beverages and biofuels are brewed from its combination with yeast.

    If you reside in the temperate zone, better cultivate these crops in spring. Doing this will ensure the maximum yield. Leaves from the seedlings sprout out after 3 weeks from sowing.

    To increase the output, the nutrient solution must be rich in nitrogen. The maize crop had immense significance in regulating the Nitrogen cycle. With such benefits, you can’t hesitate to cultivate these crops.

    10. Cucumber

    With 3000 years of history, cucumbers were first cultivated in ancient India. Then, the vegetable became popular in the Roman Empire. These are evergreen crops that will contribute to your diet all year long.

    I grew the East Asian cucumbers that were deep green and slandered. You can select any type that’s easily available. Make sure to make an additional frame because it’s a creeper.

    Being rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, it has the potential to lower high blood pressure. From healthy salads to tasty pickles, cucumbers will serve you the most.

    11. Eggplant

    Commonly known as Brinjal in many regions, it is an important part of many cuisines. China and India are its leading producers with a combined production of 87% of the entire world.

    Eggplants can be easily grown in gardens and hydroponic systems. However, you’ll have to maintain a space of 45-60cm between each plant. If you reside in the tropics, cultivating it will take less effort.

    However, take proper care of sunlight, as it won’t produce the mature fruit under cold conditions. It lacks micro and macronutrients but has oil-absorbing potential. Also, beware of the whiteflies to avoid bad consequences.

    12. Leek

    Native to Wales, leeks remain as the country’s national emblem. It has the taste almost similar to an onion. Also, both these vegetables share the same favorable climatic conditions.

    Generally, there are two types of leeks: the summer leeks, and winter leeks. Both these variants can be easily cultivated by seeds. However, the summer leeks have a stronger aroma than the winter variant.

    13. Lettuce

    The next time you have a burger, search for the lettuce. It is an annual plant used in several cuisines around the world. The cultivation dates back to ancient Egypt where it grew popular. It is rich in vitamins A and K that makes it an ideal vegetable.

    Similar to leeks, lettuces can’t survive in a tight and packed growing medium. Loose growing medium with rich Nitrogen will increase the yield. However, the quality can make it better by growing it in cool temperatures.

    To grow per kilo of lettuce, you’ll need around 240 liters of water. However, the water quantity can be reduced in the hydroponic mediums.

    Read More : How To Grow Lettuce In Hydroponic System

    14. Melon

    Melons are of different types. All melons can be grown under the hydroponic system of cultivation. The most common melons are the watermelon and pumpkins.

    Leading exporters of this fruit are China, India, and Turkey. Melons are cultivated in moderate climates with high moisture. However, the cultivation of more around the regions near the equator.

    I found this fruit to be useful more many reasons. It is less vulnerable to pests and heat-tolerant. But, that doesn’t mean you’ll keep a less eye on it.

    15. Onions


    This vegetable needs no introduction. Being one of the most popular vegetables, your dish remains incomplete in its absence.

    The bulbs are edible and so is the stalk. It is best cultivated under fertile soils with large humus content. A clayey growing medium yields more pungent onions that can irritate your eyes.

    Onions may be hard to maintain, as they are easily invaded by foreign agents. Therefore, I insist you sow the seeds in early summer and harvest in late autumn. Cultivating in too hot temperatures will allow the flower to blossom.

    16. Peas

    Peas are an annual plant with only a year of life-cycle. Being a cool-season crop, it can’t survive in hot and arid regions. Therefore, you must take the proper care of sunlight.

    Peas contain symbiotic bacteria called rhizomes embedded in the root nodules. It makes a huge contribution to regulating the nitrogen cycle. And, there is no need for additional nitrogen in the nutrient solution.

    I planted my peas between winter to early summer and recommended you to do the same. Being nutritious, it is one of the best vegetables to grow hydroponically.

    17. Chilli Pepper

    chilli pepper

    Well, these spices need no introduction. Being an essential commodity, chilies add spice to your life. The plant can be grown at home under moderate climatic conditions.

    Over 4000 varieties of chilies, only 5 of them can be domesticated. Since 7,500 BC, it has been an important ingredient in almost all cuisines. These plants need proper exposure to sunlight and air.

    However, the moisture content must be moderate without any excess margin. If you are thinking to trade, you’ll surely be in profit. Such a useful vegetable deserves to be a part of your hydroponic cultivation.

    18. Radish

    Radish is perhaps the most commonly cultivated vegetable. The edible root is often liked to be eaten raw for its crunchiness. Being an annual plant, it is grown in late autumn around the beginning of November.

    Radishes are one of the fastest-growing vegetables. Germination proceeds rapidly between a temperature ranging from 15°C-30°C in 3-4 days. Under 10°C-18°C, the roots mature to be the best in quality.

    I kept my radishes under full exposure to sunlight without any haste. For better results, select a sandy growing medium with a moisture-absorbent texture. Also, don’t forget to provide protection from pests during the germination period.

    19. Spinach

    I’ve been a huge fan of “Popeye the Sailor Man.” Since then, I was fascinated by spinaches and their significance. This fascination leads me to cultivate these highly nutritious vegetables.

    Being an annual plant, it’s rarely biennial. The leaves are of various sizes depending upon the climatic conditions of the region. A healthy and mature spinach plant grows over 1ft tall.

    However, you must take proper care of the nitrogen content of your nutrient medium. Also, never refrigerate, as it will reduce its carotenoid content. About 90% of the leaves are water that can solve iron-deficiency issues.

    20. Squash

    Officially known a Cucurbita, these vegetables are a rich source of Vitamin A and C. So if you have any gum problems, squash might be a healthy solution. Being from the gourd family, these plants are herbaceous vines.

    I provided extra care for the tendrils, as they are tender. A squash plant grows tall to be several feet in length, which needs a large space. Also, I insist you not to restrict any growth by narrowing the space.

    It grows well in moderate tropical climates with high humidity. Bottle gourds are the most common types grown commonly in many gardens. I would recommend a proper bamboo frame for the support of the growing tendrils.

    21. Tomatoes

     Tomatoes were originated in South America, and native to Mexico. Temperate climates are most favorable for the growth of these fruits. However, the plant is perennial but cultivated as an annual output.

    A healthy tomato plant grows up to 1-4 meters in height. The stem is tender and needs support to bear the weight of the fruit. Therefore, I recommended you build a frame for these plants as well.

    I insist you provide extra protection for these plants. Pests like the tomato bug can easily invade in hostile environments.

    22. Kale

    This vegetable belongs to a group of cabbage that can easily from seeds. Being an annual plant, it persists in winter because of its hardness. However, there are many germination temperatures that make it a popular choice for hydroponic cultivation.

    Kales are rich in minerals like Calcium and Magnesium. It becomes sweeter when kept under intense freezing for long.

    When it comes to hydroponics, you must take care of certain things. Sow the seeds in a loose growing medium with proper nutrient supply. Also, keep the pH level between 6-7 for the best results.

    23. Coriander

    Coriander is an annual herb in which all parts are edible. However, people are more interested in leaves and roots. It has a strong aroma that makes it eligible to be an important ingredient in many cuisines.

    From Indian Salads to Mexican salsa, it covers every cuisine. Since the roots are deeper, you’ll have to provide a nitrogen-rich nutrient. Only then, you’ll be benefited with quality.

    Corianders are rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, and magnesium. Moreover, it’s widely used for seasoning. Being such a useful plant, it is one of the best vegetables to grow hydroponically.

    24. Spearmint

    Mint is an evergreen plant that grows naturally in all temperate climates. However, it can also be grown in small pots and a flowering plant. The mint plant has an intense aroma that you can’t resist.

    Its aroma is officially registered to be a flavor in various cuisines. Moreover, their medicines that carry the mint flavor. There plant is compatible and can be preserved in salt, sugar, oil, and alcohol.

    I insist you loosen the soil that will allow the rhizomes to function. Also, it can adapt itself to low or intense sunlight. Being one of the best vegetables to grow hydroponically, it deserves to be on the list.

    25. Bitter Gourd

    You may not like the taste of a bitter gourd, but it has immense significance. Don’t let its bitterness fool you. Despite the taste, it’s not less popular than a strawberry.

    The tendril-bearing plant may grow up to 17 feet tall. It can be grown in a hydroponic system, but the containers must be large enough to bear the weight. The fruit is edible and turns orange in ripening.

    The plant flowers in late autumn, especially in the months between September to November. Being useful to diabetic patients, it falls under the list of best vegetables to grow hydroponically.

    26. Zucchini

    Being a summer squash, Zucchinis is a member of the squash family. It grows on temperate climates naturally without any hindrance. However, the plant is seen to be a mutated, as there is a change in color contrast.

    I selected a loose growing medium for my Zucchinis. Here, coconut coir will serve you the best.

    It has low energy nutrients, but are high in minerals like folate and potassium. Don’t spray excess pesticides, as it will prevent many pollinators such as bees and ants.

    27. Bok Choy

    As the name indicates, Bok choy is Chinese cabbage. Belonging from the mustard family, it has bulbous bottoms that are an indicator of identification.

    It has immense hardiness and thrives even in cold climatic conditions. Due to its popularity, it has different naming and spelling variations. However, it is known to be the most popular in Northern Europe.

    The Bok choy plant contains cancer-curing elements that are effective in small dosages. For better results, make the nutrient solution rich in Phosphorus and Nitrogen, as I did.

    28. Turnip

    Turnip is a root vegetable with a fleshy taproot. The plant is biennial and grows best in cold climatic conditions. Therefore, this vegetable is grown in late summer in the months of September and October.

    Well, it takes a huge amount of time to complete its lifecycle. In my case, it took me 4 years from germination to reproduction. So, you’ll need a lot of patience to proceed.

    The flowers are tall and yellow just like pea pods. However, it can grow on any growing medium, but I insist to make it lose. The nutrient solution must be adequate in Nitrogen and Phosphorus.

    29. Mushroom

    If you want to grow mushrooms, you must have the right knowledge for the proper selection. As only a few are edible, half knowledge can turn dangerous here. So, beware of the poisonous ones.

    The fruiting body of the edible mushrooms is very small as compared to the non-edible ones. One of such mushrooms is culinary mushrooms that are widely popular among the Chinese. Agaricus bisporus is the most popular mushroom in the entire world.

     Since mushrooms are best grown in tropical climates, it requires high moisture growing content. Don’t just collect a bunch of mushrooms from the wild. Doing such might risk your life and the ones that have it.

    30. Sweet Potato

    Being a perennial herb with vines, it’s one of the best vegetables to grow hydroponically. Sweet potato is referred to as the inflated root of this dicotyledonous plant. As the name says, the vegetable is sweet and crunchy.

    The leaf of the sweet potato plant is heart-shaped with symmetric flowers. This plant is intolerant to extreme cold climates. Therefore, I recommend you to grow it under a temperature of 25°C.

    Depending on the growing medium and nutrient solution, it can mature between 2-9 months. Therefore, select a nutrient solution rich in Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Last but not the least, it deserves to be the best vegetables to grow hydroponically.

    Final Thought

    This does give you the names of the best vegetables to grow hydroponically but you will have to provide the required conditions using the hydroponic system. I have repeatedly stressed this point. So do some research after you have chosen that you want to grow.

    If you liked our list please do share it with your fellow hydroponic growers. Thank You! 

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